September 2- 4, 2016 Gatlinburg, TN
September 2- 4, 2016 Gatlinburg, TN
Best in Show Winners for the 2016 Specialty Show Weekend Event: (left to right): NCS Baby Show Winner, Owned and Exhibited by Susan Stieve, NCS Specialty Show Winner, Bred, Owned and Exhibited by Laura Rudman, and NCS Double Points Show Winner, Bred, Owned and Exhibited by Chris Orowitz.
The 2016 NCS Specialty Show took place in downtown Gatlinburg, TN at the River Terrace Resort . Exhibitors and Judges gathered together for a couple of days to celebrate all things NCS - our love for the cockatiel and the friendships we have created through this hobby. Friday was kicked off with the Judge's learning clinic led by Judges' Panel Chair, Julia Allen, who walked participants through evaluating a bench of 10 birds. Participants were encouraged to compare 2 birds against each other and how each of those birds measured up to the NCS Standard. Open discussion and input from the Judge' Panel Chair was an eye opening experience, to better learn why one bird should be placed before or behind the other. |
Friday afternoon was the NCS Baby Show, with all entries sporting 2016 leg bands. Babies ranged from approximately 8 weeks to 9 months old. NCS Judge Julia Allen mentored Sue Ansley as she apprenticed in this show. Susan Stieve went Best in Show with a beautiful Cinnamon/Pied Hen. This baby is well on her way to Champion. with 1 Best in Show and several points from the weekend. This is a great benefit of attending the NCS Specialty Show, these youngsters get a great head start with their show career when they place on the top bench in any of the three shows for the weekend. The Baby Show had 54 entires this year and 12 Exhibitors participated! |
Saturday, the NCS Specialty Show was judged by Jose Bernardy with 139 entries and 16 exhibitors. All top ten Show Bench winners received a ribbon and trophy, our first year offering the trophies for all ten places! In addition, Best in Show, first place Bred & Exhibited by Laura Rudman, received a large silver tray, and the Best Novice Bred & Exhibited by April Howes received a smaller version of the tray. |
We also awarded an Overall Best Cockatiel for the 2016 NCS Specialty Show, with an engraved silver Revere Bowl. Laura Rudman's Cinnamon Cock took this award, placing BIS in the Specialty, moving him to the Grand Champion Class for the Double Points Show, where he placed Co-1st. This beautiful cockatiel, Alex, has been showing his stuff all year! While Laura has been showing her English Springer Spaniels, she has not had a lot of time to get outside of the New England area to physically attend shows herself. She buddied up with a fellow exhibitor friend to help get Alex to shows outside her local area. This allowed Alex to travel to several shows this year. Exhibition is a great way to meet and make friends who share the same interest, our love for the cockatiel. What a wonderful example of exhibition friendship at it's finest, to have Laura's bird earn this wonderful achievement and earn Grand Champion the same weekend. Hope to see many of you at next year's Specialty Show! Save the date: September 1-3, 2017! |