serving our members since 1983
serving our members since 1983
2024 Specialty Show Sponsors
The National Cockatiel Society would like to thank the following for their sponsorship:
Sponsored $200 or more in any combination:
these sponsors also receive free show tags at the 2024 Specialty Show
Peggy Armstrong, Enduring Impressions Aviary, [email protected], (706) 699-3226
Nelson Maldonado, Los Monos Aviary LLC, [email protected], (717) 753-4242
Orange County Bird Breeders
Sponsored $100 or more in any combination:
these sponsors also receive free show tags at the 2024 Specialty Show
Peggy Armstrong, Enduring Impressions Aviary, [email protected], (706) 699-3226
Nelson Maldonado, Los Monos Aviary LLC, [email protected], (717) 753-4242
Orange County Bird Breeders
Sponsored $100 or more in any combination:
Show Sponsor: $100
Baby Show Novice In special recognition of the late Diane Baxter Baby Show Advanced Ellen O'Neil Specialty Show Novice Higgins, Brian Lee Specialty Show Advanced Chris Orowitz, Tommy York Double Points Show Novice Peggy Armstrong Double Points Show Advanced Tony Candelaria |
Division Sponsor: $50
Novice Division Sandy Coombes, Lori Ogozalek, Robin Whiteman Advanced Division Peggy Armstrong, Melissa Magill |
Normal Novice - Susan Stieve
Cinnamon Novice - Lutino Novice - Pearl Novice - Richard Gentile, Sarah LaBarge Pied Novice - Sandy Coombes Whiteface Novice - Sandy Coombes, Susan Desrosiers Dominant Silver Novice - Pastelface Novice - Yellow Cheek Novice - Rares Novice - Creamface Novice - |
Normal Advanced - Susan Stieve
Cinnamon Advanced - Lutino Advanced - Susan Desrosiers Pearl Advanced - Susan Stieve, Richard Gentile Pied Advanced - Peggy Armstrong Whiteface Advanced - Richard Gentile Dominant Silver Advanced - Peggy Armstrong Pastelface Advanced - Yellow Cheek Advanced - Emerald Advanced - Creamface Advanced - Grand Champions - Susan Stieve |